
The Big Picture
H&P advocates starting with a plan that constructs a well-posted highway. Without clearly articulated goals, clever and compelling communication doesn’t travel far. H&P works with clients to produce fresh, sustainable strategies for advancing long and short-term objectives.
Plans that Work
H&P plans are crafted in partnership with the client. Critical buy-in comes early. Having everyone on the same page focuses time and energy on building a campaign or brand. Plans are delivered with training and consultation to ensure that it lives rather than sits. Depending on client resources, plans range from do-it-yourself manuals, fully outsourced outreach, or a combination of the two.
Integrated, Holistic Communication
From social marketing to corporate campaigns, H&P has a portfolio of award-winning work across disciplines: press materials, multi-media advertising campaigns, brand identity systems, print and digital collateral material, social media, online marketing, issues management, crisis communication, and more.